Continuity of Learning Plan and Support Information 

Attention Huron Families:

In the first week of April, Governor Whitmer signed an executive order which closed all school buildings for the rest of the 20192020 school year.  This same executive order mandated that instruction take place using “remote learning” options for the remainder of the school year. Remote Learning is learning that happens outside of the traditional classroom because the student and teacher are separated by distance and/or time. Remote learning can be real-time or flexibility timed, and it may or may not involve technology. It cannot be assumed that every family or every student has access to the necessary devices and appropriate internet connection at their home.

In order to help parents and students navigate remote learning options during the school building closure, the Huron School District has developed the new Huron Learning Hub.  The Huron Learning Hub can be accessed through the Huron School District Website at, beginning on Monday, April 20, 2020.  Parents will be able to view weekly learning schedules based on the grade levels of their students, and parents will be able to contact teachers and link to instructional sites from this platform.  Students will find ways to connect with teachers, log-in to Google Classroom sites for instruction, and explore content and resources.

Teachers will be communicating with students and parents through our school managed student Google Suite Accounts as well as classroom text applications, such as remind.  Students without internet availability will be provided with “hard copy” packets upon request, which will allow students to work without the use of the internet.  As part of the remote learning efforts, all students are required to participate in at-home learning for the remainder of the school year. This will give students opportunities to earn credit and make steady progress in preparation for next school year.

The Huron School District has completed a “Continuity of Learning Plan” that outlines the District’s efforts to provide remote learning options to students.  The plan follows a model that is consistent with the Huron School District’s strategic plan, providing instruction that stresses rigor, relevance, and relationships for all students.  This plan has been submitted to Wayne County RESA for approval.  Once approved, this document will be posted on the Huron School District website.

We are aware that some homes are not equipped with internet connectivity and/or internet capable devices. The Huron School District is working to provide internet connectivity options for families without internet at home.  We have also developed options for parents to sign-out a device for student use at home, in households where a need is present.

I know that parents with Senior level students have questions related to graduation, prom, and other senior activities.  I want you to know that we are monitoring the Stay Home/Stay Safe guidelines carefully, and we are considering all available options in order to celebrate our Senior students. We will be publishing more information about our seniors in subsequent communications and when more information becomes available.

The remainder of this mailing contains information regarding grade level learning schedules, daily learning timelines, Google Suite log-in information, updating parent contact information in MiStar, low cost internet connectivity options, calendar updates, free internet access at Huron High School, emotional support hotline information, and student grading information.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we finalize our remote learning plans.  I am proud of our staff and community, and I am looking forward to our remote learning launch on April 20, 2020.  As always, feel free to contact us if you have questions.   Have a great day, and stay safe out there. 

Donovan Rowe
Superintendent of Schools,
Huron School District.

Please view the following documents for more information:

Posted by admin On 04/15/2020 at 7:54 PM